By Players of the Pac-12
Moving Past The Doubt
By Alphonso Davies
Presented By
The 5 Best Young Guns in the WNBA
By DeWanna Bonner
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Not Born RacistThe Players' Tribune
Jul 10 2023

"Is it not normal to be a black guy in this world?" Footballers in Europe offer their observations of racism both on and off the pitch.

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A Salute to the Early Risers
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Some people gotta be out there on their grind, doing their job no matter what.

Sports Can’t Be Scripted
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Good fortune has placed me at the scene of many of the most unforgettable sports moments of the last four decades.

The Audacity
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I’ve learned that a fundamental part of my anatomy is this: I have a relentless drive.

The Day I Became An Activist
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COVID-19: Athlete Impact
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#WeAreUnited in our commitment to secure fair treatment for college athletes.

An Open Letter About My Health
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It’s way past time for me to take a more public role in the battle against Lyme disease.

What I Saw in South Korea
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I wish we could all take some lessons from South Korea when it comes to COVID-19.

Fear of the Unknown
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